Salsa Mish hold a salsa event every Friday at Greenwood Park Community Centre, Tippendell Lane, Chiswell Green, St Albans AL2 3HW. Parking is strictly limited and the locals are very sensitive to bad parking so if the gate is closed when you arrive you should park at Midway Surgery Car Park, 93 Watford Road, AL2 3JX from which there is a free minibus shuttle running every 15 minutes and you get a chance to win back your entry fee! The sprung dance floor is large, there are plenty of fans to keep you cool and the sound system is good. There are classes from 7:30pm and freestyle from 9:45 until 1am. There is a separate kizomba room and even a chill-out room with complimentary tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits! More information is available on the Salsa Mish website. Entrance is £12 and includes the lessons.
Greenwood Park Community Centre

Minibus Route from the car park at Midway Surgery to the venue

FACEBOOK COMMENTS – click a date to see the original post
Like: Heidi Waeland-Hill
Heidi Waeland-Hill Have a lovely time tonight, unfortunately I cannot make it x
- Philip Wake I’ll miss you and hope to see you again soon! x
- Heidi Waeland-Hill Philip Wake have fun 😊
Philip Wake Fantastic night tonight – probably the best yet – had so many excellent dances in the first half hour it felt like I was floating on a cloud of music! Thank you for my superb dances Annette, Agata, Donna. Liz, Pilar, Sylvia, Gaylor, Pam and so many other lovely ladies. I was amazed to have my best dance only 15 minutes before the end which naturally had to be my last to mark the end of a wonderful evening! Sorry we missed dancing with each other tonight Lisa – will make up for it next time with two for you! ❤️
Love: Annette Beisty, Donna Blinman, Pilar Postigo; Like: Sylvia Diaz, Liz Humphrey
Philip Wake Having driven 100 miles back to Gosport via various diversions including one caused by an accident on the M25 (which delayed some people coming to Mish by 2 hours) and arriving home at 4am, I slept through until 1:15pm and feel fully refreshed for Deja vu _ Brighton Latin Night tonight! 😎