For details about this 1st first Saturday of the month salsa event see the facebook page: Salsa – Fusion or group: SALSA – FUSION Club Nights . Sometimes there’s one on the 3rd Saturday too. There is rarely a shortage of good salseras to dance with and there’s always the Cuban room to cool down when you get overheated because it’s a smaller room with several enormous fans and Cubana can be less strenuous but it rarely happens that way for me! I always seem to attract ladies who like to go crazy on the dance floor . . . which I love of course . . . dancing without energy and passion is a poor thing indeed . . .

FACEBOOK COMMENTS – click a date to see the original post
Philip Wake is feeling happy. 5 January ·
Salsa – Fusion Welcome 2020
As always SALSA – FUSION Club Nights provided a lively night of salsa dancing with as many good partners as you could possibly wish to a motivational mix from Johnny Gee . I had a wonderful time dancing with some favourite salseras including: Margarita, Florence, Helen & Sofi (there were a dozen more but I don’t know their names) and with a new favourite Anna who impressed me with her energetic and imaginative following! ❤️
Love: Johnny Gee, Sofi Cook; Like: Helen Williams
Johnny Gee Thank you, Philip Wake…I’m very pleased you enjoyed the party last night !👍🙏
Love: Philip Wake
Helen Williams Good to see you last night Philip
Like: Philip Wake