The Drift Bar in Southsea is the venue for Bailando every Thursday run by DALE Afro Latin Entertainment from 10pm to 1am. When I arrive around 10pm for the salsa dancing upstairs there are usually plenty of people who attended the earlier bachata lessons from 8:30 to 10pm staying on for half an hour or so to practice to bachata music. Around 10:30pm salsa is added to the mix and people start coming up from downstairs particularly when it gets crowded. Many members of Kasia Rajka‘s salsa family (Salsa Solent Portsmouth) are usually there and members of The UoP Cuban Salsa Society ‘Sonrisas Salseros’ usually arrive around 11pm. DJ Hazel provides the music upstairs while DJunior takes care of downstairs.
Venue: Drift Bar at 78 Palmerston Road, Southsea, PO5 3PT
Parking: There’s plenty of parking round the back in Ashby Place Car Park.
Entrance: £2 after 10pm
More details may be seen on the facebook page: Dale Afro Latin Entertainment.

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Philip Wake is feeling happy. 14 February at 01:57 ·
Bailando at Drift Bar Southsea with DALE Afro Latin Entertainment – upstairs with DJ Hazel tonight!
When I arrived at 10pm Jon & Skye were demonstrating tonight’s bachata lesson watched by 36 people. When they finished and got a well deserved clap for their stylish dancing, I had some lovely bachata dances with a few ladies to warm up including Maria, Victoria & Tara until the salsa music started and then had some excellent salsa dances with Agnieszka, Aude, Victoria & Cristina. ❤️
I watched one couple dancing the bachata who clearly had no idea what to do at all so I couldn’t wait to dance with the lady to show her how it should be done. When I finally got the opportunity she said she had no idea how to do it. “Just relax and follow me,” I said and she did manage to catch on quite quickly but after a couple of minutes started breathing hard and couldn’t carry on but she said that it had been fun! ❤️
I danced a bachata with another total beginner who caught on quite quickly and liked it so much she insisted on having another dance which went a bit better. ❤️
Then a well built lady called Sheridan challenged me to give her a dance which I pleased to do of course. She followed my basic bachata quite well and when I gave her a turn she performed it beautifully and ended up in just the right place to continue with the basic. Her smile got bigger and bigger each time she did this and at the end of the dance she said that I was amazing – the only man who had ever been able to make her dance. ❤️
She encouraged her friend Nina to dance with me too and it went quite well though she did hold me a bit close with her head against mine but I’m not one to complain about that! Nina agreed I was amazing and they both promised to come back next week to dance with me again. ❤️

Love: Eli Angel, Like: Belinah Shashe