Enrique Perez & his partner Rob Carroll run an excellent evening of salsa at Bar So in Bournemouth every Wednesday. There are bachata workshops from 7:30pm to 8:30pm followed by Cuban salsa workshops from 8:45pm until strictly 10pm – a new year resolution for 2020. All levels are catered for with the one and only Moe Flex usually providing the advanced level for bachata & salsa. See the facebook page Salsa Dorset for more information.
The workshops are followed by social dancing until 1am with a good selection of salsa & bachata music by DJs Moe and Enrique with the occasional kizomba. Although the salsa lessons are Cuban there are plenty of ladies attending who can follow cross body though most of the men do lead Cuban style!
As an proponent of Puerto Rican Salsa Romantica it’s not a problem for me to vary what I lead according to the preferences of the lady. (Puerto Rican means the best of cross body & cubana and Salsa Romantica means smooth & sensual.)
- 7:30pm Bachata workshops for various levels
- 8.45pm Cuban Salsa classes for all levels in 5 Rooms
- 10pm Salsa Social with DJs Moe and Enrique which is when I arrive!
- 1am Close
Venue: Bar So, Exeter Rd, Bournemouth BH2 5AG

Winter Gardens Car Park 1 is the best place to park only 50 yards from the venue! Drive down the hill (Exeter Road), turn first left at The Lost Paradise, drive past the Truth Nightclub and turn left into Car Park 2 then left again into Car Park 2 to be as close as possible to the venue.

FACEBOOK COMMENTS – click on a date to see the original post
Philip Wake is feeling hopeful. 27 February at 02:20 ·
Salsa at Bar So Bournemouth tonight with Enrique & Moe for Salsa Dorset
To tell the truth I’m a bit confused because Enrique told me 6 weeks ago that the social dancing would be starting at 10pm in 2020 as it had been starting later & later in 2019 and most people appreciate it starting earlier so that they don’t have to go home too late mid week. For myself, although I am a retired gentleman of leisure, I have to travel 50 miles from Gosport and have been leaving at 8:45 to make sure I get there by 10pm but for the last few weeks the lessons have finished around 10:25 and tonight there were two line dances before we could start dancing. It would be nice if this could be sorted for the benefit of all concerned! 😎
Once the social dancing started I had a good time even though there weren’t as many of my favourite salseras there tonight as is usual. There were plenty of beginners who I was happy to dance with to welcome them to the world of salsa as some of them will of course be my favourite salseras of the future!
Thank you Louise, Ivonne, Suzanne, Talula and a few other charming salseras for my beautiful dances. Thanks also to the crazy beginner who just ignored my leads yet salsa danced with so much energy, enthusiasm & imagination it was in fact good fun AND the quiet beginner who followed my leads very well indeed and learned tonight to wait to be pushed or pulled before making the next move. My reward as always was the big smile on the face of my partner at the end of the dance! ❤️