For details about this 1st first Saturday of the month salsa event see the facebook page: Salsa – Fusion or group: SALSA – FUSION Club Nights . Sometimes there’s one on the 3rd Saturday too. There is rarely a shortage of good salseras to dance with and there’s always the Cuban room to cool down when you get overheated because it’s a smaller room with several enormous fans and Cubana can be less strenuous but it rarely happens that way for me! I always seem to attract ladies who like to go crazy on the dance floor . . . which I love of course . . . dancing without energy and passion is a poor thing indeed . . .

FACEBOOK COMMENTS – click a date to see the original post
Like Julio H Martinez
Philip Wake is feeling happy. 8 March at 05:45 ·
Salsa – Fusion Party 9pm – 2am with SALSA – FUSION Club Nights
I had a wonderful time dancing to a motivational mix with many charming ladies including Rosy, Margarita, Anna, NIcole, Kally & Eana,
Danced a salsa with one lady called Maria who said she had no idea how to do it yet she just followed me doing the basic, a cross body lead and a clockwise turn with style just like that!
I had an amazing dance with Rosy around 1;30am and decided to make it my last of a night to remember! ❤️
Love Eli Angel