Category: Food
Sugar is the alcohol of the child!

I just love cottage pie!
Philip’s Fitness Progress

Microwave Standing Time
Meal 22: Couscous, Haricot Beans and Tuna Fish with Gravy (Arabian Pie)
You've heard of Cottage Pie & Shepherds Pie but this is Arabian Pie. The hole in the middle which has been zoomed is there so that you can see what's inside. It is not a necessary part of preparing it! CALORIE DENSITY: 22% = 1016kcal/(1152ml x 4) (Compare with Sugar: 95%, butter: 180%) . COST: 111p (So don’t tell me that eating healthy food is expensive!) . TIME: 11 minutes . INGREDIENTS Baked beans: 250g: 156kcal (250ml) Asda SP Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce 410g for 23p Tuna 102g: Read more [...]ARTHRITIS CULPRIT IS LECTIN NOT GLUTEN
I recently went back to having my two poached eggs on toast daily at 4pm but this time with gluten free bread to avoid the arthritis in my knees effect. However, after a couple of weeks I noticed my knees were hurting again. I ran out of gluten free bread a few days ago and noticed today that my knees were hurting a lot less. It would therefore seem it's not gluten that I'm allergic to so I looked around for another culprit which turns out to be lectin! Some lectins leak from the gut and cause the Read more [...]
For lunch today I had chicken thighs with chickpeas in a tasty Nandos-Jamaican sauce which I thickened more than usual with potato powder for a more solid satisfying meal. I forgot to take a picture before I started eating so you see it here partly eaten!
You may have noticed that none of my meals contain green vegetables. That's because I don't eat them and haven't done so for at 4 years now, not since I became single. The reason is in two parts. It's a lot cheaper to take a multi-vitamin Read more [...]
"Enjoy Actimel as part of a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle to support the normal function of the immune system. It contains vitamins D and is rich in vitamin B6 which contribute to the normal function of the immune system. Vitamin B6 contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue."
If you had one pot a day costing £8 a month you would only be getting 15% of your vitamin B6 & D needs. Also note the ingredients and see what a nasty processed food Actimel Fat Free Strawberry Yogurt Read more [...]
I was about 10 years old when I saw my Uncle Will holding his tummy after eating a curry.
I said: "What's wrong Uncle?"
"I always get indigestion when I eat a curry - it really hurts and I have to take a tablet!" he replied.
"So don't eat curry Uncle."
"But I like curry," said my Uncle "
"But curry doesn't like you Uncle!"
A few years later my Uncle Will died of cancer because the curries he ate gave him stomach ulcers and because he carried on eating curries they became cancerous!
Any cholesterol in food is digested just like any other fat and then the body makes its own cholesterol, so why on earth are people recommending low cholesterol food or food which lowers cholesterol when the body decides for itself how much it needs to make! Lol
See this article by Zoe Harcombe about how wrong we have been about cholesterol for more information regarding the irrelevance of cholesterol in food!
What matters about food is how natural it is - see Natural Low Density Eating Read more [...]
The important thing is to eat unprocessed food without added sugar or fat. This means not eating cakes, biscuits, pies, sausages, pizza, sweets or any other processed food which looks good on the outside but you can't see what it's made of! That includes cheese and all spreads including butter which are processed foods very high in fat. It also includes alcoholic beverages which are highly processed liquid foods containing alcohol which the body cannot deal with properly. Naturally it means not Read more [...]
The Natural Low Density Eating version of chips with baked beans is only 16% compared with 43% for the usual fried chips with baked bean in tomato sauce version which means it's nearly 3 times as satisfying calorie for calorie. In other words you would only be able to consume 37% of the high density version to keep to the same number of calories as the low density version! I didn't have any onions today so had 500g of potatoes and I used Piri Piri Seasoning for a taste of Nandos!
Do you add salt to water before boiling your rice to increase the boiling point of the water and make the rice cook quicker?
This is because the salt reduces the osmotic pressure between the boiling water and the rice which means less water passes through to the rice. Simply stated when there is a semipermeable membrane between two solutions (the skin of the rice) water passes from the weaker solution to the stronger one in an attempt to make the strengths equal. Adding salt increases the Read more [...]
Thin Chips (McDonalds)
Surface Area = 0.5 x 0.5 x 2 + 0.5 x 11 x 4 = 0.5 + 22 = 22.5
Volume = 0.5 x 0.5 x 11 = 2.75
Ratio = 22.5 / 2.75 = 8.18
Thick Chips (Chip Shop)
Surface Area = 0.75 x 1.5 x 2 + 0.75 x 6 x 2 + 1.5 x 6 x 2 = 2.25 + 9 + 18 = 29.25
Volume = 0.75 x 1.5 x 6 = 6.75
Ratio = 29.25 / 6.75 = 4.3
These figures indicate that the thin chips have 1.9 (8.18 / 4.3) times as much surface area for any given amount of chips which means that’s how much more fat sticks to the Read more [...]
No more heart attacks!
Going vegetarian or vegan as suggested in the video below is one way of making yourself heart attack proof but there are other solutions such as Natural Low Density Eating which is just as good and includes eating fish & meat which even caveman used to do so it can't really be that bad for you can it. I only eat tuna & sardines most of the time because they're so cheap at Asda but I sometimes have meat when my daughter Katrinah is staying with me because she's from Botswana and Batswana Read more [...]
Bread is off the menu again – the arthritis in my knees came back!
I thought it was safe to have a couple of slices of toast a day after giving up bread altogether for a year but after a few months the arthritis in my knees has come back again. This is bad news for a guy who lives for salsa dancing so I had no choice but to give up bread again and within a couple of days the arthritis in my knees has totally disappeared. I don't know if it's the gluten or the raising agent in bread that does it to me. If the latter I may be able to have the occasional pizza Read more [...]
The truth about fat in your diet!
"Current UK government guidelines advise cutting down on all fats and replacing saturated fat with some unsaturated fat. In recent years, the popular media has turned the debate about the causes of major public health issues such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity into something of a "fat versus sugar" dogfight. But the question should not be about choosing between fat or sugar: there are good reasons for cutting down on both."
See the full article on the NHS website here.
“Eat fat to get thin!” is the daftest headline I’ve seen this year!
‘Eat fat to get thin’: Official diet advice is ‘disastrous’ for obesity fight, new report warns
You can read the article in the Telegraph for yourself as I’m not going to pass on the daftest advice a so called group of experts have given this century!
What really happened is that people were told to avoid fat for silly reasons – like lowering cholesterol and losing weight when the real reason to avoid fat AND sugar is to keep the calories in your food each day down to a reasonable Read more [...]
My New Blog
I have just installed a WordPress Blog theme on my website and have a lot of work to do to start my blogging. Meanwhile please see my facebook profile and my new facebook page called Natural Low Density Eating which is the final solution as far as losing weight is concerned because if you adopt the principles permanently your weight will reduce to what it should be and it will stay that way for the rest of your life! You won't get hungry because can eat enormous quantities of natural food because Read more [...]