I managed to create a sore patch in the corner of my mouth a few days ago when I was grinding down my lower right canine tooth to be the same size as the front teeth on my dentures so the the back teeth of the dentures would meet properly for chewing. The corner of my mouth gets wet all the time of course and it didn’t stand a chance of healing. I searched for and found this product which arrived today after being ordered on Sunday. I have now applied it and can feel it working already. Unlike UHU glue, it is flexible when dry and sticks to the skin. I can feel the sore patch healing already. I can even drink a cup of coffee without making the wound wet because the liquid skin is resilient and totally waterproof. I can even open my mouth wide because it stretches with my skin! I also used it on a sore patch on my right thumb just where it hits the space bar when I’m touch typing at 60 words a minute! What a wonderful product!