Converting to the Less Interesting Taste of Natural Food with a Delicious Sauce!

of Natural Food with a Delicious Sauce!
I know frying in butter makes things taste wonderful and there’s nothing like a bacon sandwich but it is really worth your while to reprogram yourself out of what is just a habit like smoking is! You will find the way you feel after eating natural food for just a month is amazing let alone how you feel after a year! The secret for some of the main meals is to make your own delicious sauce which will make each meal taste as you wish – any flavour from any country.
It’s the sauce that determines what food tastes like not the food itself – that just determines the texture when you chew it and there’s plenty of different kinds of natural food which will provide any texture that gives you the sensation of pleasure when you’re eating. This is very personal – for examples note that some people love the smooth texture of banana and others hate it, some people love the bitty texture of dried figs and others hate it, some people love the crunchy texture of cashew nuts and others hate it!
Personally I love all of those textures and dare not buy too much of any of those products when out shopping because I’m liable to eat them all before I get home! Have a look at the results from this interesting study: Food For Thought: Does A Food’s Texture (In Your Mouth) Impact How Many Calories We Eat? See also this article: Food: How spicy flavours trick your tongue!.
Thick sauce
CALORIE DENSITY: 9% (66kcal/(170ml x 4))
Thin sauce (gravy/soup)
CALORIE DENSITY: 5% (66kcal/(320ml x 4))
(Compare with Sugar: 95%, butter: 180%)
COST: 12p
- Tap water:
- 150ml for a thick sauce 0kcal (150ml)
- 300ml for a thin one 0kcal (300ml)
- Spice or Seasoning One teaspoon of selected spice or seasoning below: 0kcal (0ml) Asda 40g or 80g containers of spice or seasoning powder 79p to £1.25 = 5p
- Potato powder for thickening 40ml (20g): 66kcal (20ml after mixing) Asda SP Instant Mashed Potato 120g packet 28p = 5p
- Turmeric: ½ teaspoon turmeric & ⅛ teaspoon of black pepper
0kcal (0ml) = 2p - Salt: ¼ teaspoon 0kcal (0ml)
Black Pepper, Chinese 5 Spice, Tandoori Spice Blend (Indian), Mild Chilli Powder (Italian), Garam Masala Spice (Pakistani), Mild Curry Powder (Indian), Paprika (Indian), Jerk (Jamaican), Piri Piri (Nandos – it’s the same as Peri peri), Cajun, Paella (Greek), Bolognaise (Italian), Moroccan, Aromat, Barbecue or whatever kind of flavour you fancy!
- Measure into a plastic container 150ml of water if you want a thick sauce or 300ml if you want a thin one (gravy or soup)
- Add the spice or seasoning powder of your choice – imaginative mixtures if you like.
- Add the turmeric,& black pepper.
- Add the potato powder and salt.
- Mix and leave for a few minutes.
- Microwave at 800W for 1 minute for a thick sauce, 2 minutes for a thin sauce.
- Stir and microwave for another minute or two
- Stir and serve with your meal either separately in a sauce boat or poured on top of the meal and add extra salt to taste if necessary.
See My Recipes for a list of NLD recipes!
(Originally published as a facebook note on 19 May 2016 – transferred here on 28 June 2018.)