I just watched a TV program about drinking raw milk which I have always known is better for you than pasteurised milk because heating milk kills the enzymes & bacteria which help the human body digest it. A nutritionist stated categorically that pasteurisation does not affect the nutritional contents of milk. This is not strictly true because it does affect the digestion of the nutritional contents in a way which drastically reduces the body’s ability to make good use of that nutritional contents. In other words for most people over the age of 5, drinking milk is not only a waste of time and money but also makes them feel bloated because they cannot digest it properly! I gave up drinking pasteurized milk many years ago and only drink Soya Milk. I use Asda SP Unsweetended Soya which is only 59p for a litre because it’s the only milk alternative which doesn’t curdle in coffee and it’s cheaper than milk!
See the following article for more information: What makes raw milk so special? to find out why you should either be drinking raw milk or giving up milk altogether as raw milk is very expensive and does carry a risk albeit as low as the daily possibility of being run over by a bus!
Please see this directory for a list of supplier of raw milk in the UK.
For the benefit of people in the United States for whom pasteurisation has more deadly implications please see The Truth About Pasteurized Milk where pasteurisation is said to be used in much the same way as chlorinating chicken as a way of cleaning up food rather than making it clean in the first place! Just a shot over the bows for any possibility of coming to a trade agreement with the United States after Brexit without affecting our ability to trade with the EU!