Covid-19: The Swedish Got it Right!

Lockdown was a waste of time and ruined our economy for no purpose whatsoever! Also wearing masks has no perceivable effect! Oh and the PCR test used for Covid is now showing mainly false positives so the current reactions like Rule of Six based on apparently increasing cases are totally unnecessary! . GOMPERTZ CURVE The curve that all coronavirus outbreaks (ie colds & influenza) follow no matter what interventions are practiced. . COMPARE Read more [...]

Exposure to Bacteria & Viruses Improves your Immune System!

I knew it - lockdown stops your immune system doing what it's designed to do - learn, through exposure to small amounts of bacteria and viruses, how to protect you when you come into contact with larger amounts! I wouldn't be surprised if the same didn't apply to washing your hands too thoroughly too often! "Prof Gupta's team produced research which suggested the coronavirus had arrived in the UK in December and caused a significant 'herd immunity'. The results of her modelling implied that Read more [...]