If the suit fits!

aka Salsa Superman
Any cholesterol in food is digested just like any other fat and then the body makes its own cholesterol, so why on earth are people recommending low cholesterol food or food which lowers cholesterol when the body decides for itself how much it needs to make! Lol
See this article by Zoe Harcombe about how wrong we have been about cholesterol for more information regarding the irrelevance of cholesterol in food!
What matters about food is how natural it is - see Natural Low Density Eating Read more [...]
The important thing is to eat unprocessed food without added sugar or fat. This means not eating cakes, biscuits, pies, sausages, pizza, sweets or any other processed food which looks good on the outside but you can't see what it's made of! That includes cheese and all spreads including butter which are processed foods very high in fat. It also includes alcoholic beverages which are highly processed liquid foods containing alcohol which the body cannot deal with properly. Naturally it means not Read more [...]
I have just installed a WordPress Blog theme on my website and have a lot of work to do to start my blogging. Meanwhile please see my facebook profile and my new facebook page called Natural Low Density Eating which is the final solution as far as losing weight is concerned because if you adopt the principles permanently your weight will reduce to what it should be and it will stay that way for the rest of your life! You won't get hungry because can eat enormous quantities of natural food because Read more [...]