I’ve had an old bike locked securely onto a wall 1 meter away from my flat door which is on the first floor, This means you can’t actually see the bike unless you climb up some concrete stairs. The lock was a 4 digit combination which should have made it reasonably secure but tonight when I went out salsa dancing the bike was gone with the combination lock set on the opening number! The bike is very old and after being locked there for 18 months without being used it was very rusty and both tyres were deflated and I was unable to inflate them when I wanted to use it a couple of months ago to go and collect my car after some repairs. Why would anybody risk stealing such a bike in such a situation? I’ll report it to the police tomorrow just so they know there’s a thief about but I’m not going to claim on my home insurance because it isn’t worth anything so it would hardly be worth losing any no claims bonus and I would have to pay an excess of £100 anyway and it certainly isn’t worth half of that. Any ideas what would motivate anybody to do this apart from total stupidity! Lol

Actually whoever it was has done me a favour because I was thinking of taking it down to the dump anyway because my next door neighbour keeps bumping into my flat door whenever he walks past the bike but I didn’t get round to doing it. Lets hope it doesn’t reappear as I will certainly get rid of it if it does because I’ve already reaped the benefit of my neighbour not bumping into my door for a day! Lol doubled

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